martes, 15 de marzo de 2011

Seventh Session

The Renaissance, meaning re-birth, is a cultural movement that began in Florence and spread throughout Europe. There were a lot of transformations during this period, art being one of them. The influential perspectives that developed with art are similar to the ones that affected philosophy, architecture, education, literature, among others.

The most popular themes used in Renaissance art were mostly religious icons such as saints, as well as mythological creatures and historical paintings.

The techniques that emerged and became widely popular during this era were several. The use of perspective was developed. Depth was another concept that was brought into the arts for the first time. These two characteristics are the reason why Art during the Renaissance became more lifelike and real. Giotto, one of the first to reflect these characteristics in his works, was known for portraying real emotion in his paintings. This artist eventually led this style of the Renaissance period.

Leonardo Da Vinci was another great artist of this period. He is known as the "Renaissance Man" not only popular for his art but for his sculpting, inventions, and scientific discoveries. A technique seen frequently in works by Da Vinci is "sfumato" meaning smoke, which is a technique done by softening sharp shapes by blending colors together. The opposite of this technique, also became popular. This one is call "chiaroscuro" meaning darken, and is one by creating depth with the use of light and darkness.

Another great artist that emerged during The Renaissance is Michelangelo. Like Da Vinci, he is known for his many talents which include sculting, painting, and architecture. His most famous works include a statue of Moses, painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, and the designing of St.Peter's church in Rome.

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